Executive Diamond
Tamilselvi & Chellaiah were in the insurance business and doing very well until the 1987 recession. Almost overnight, they lost everything. Their once rosy future turned bleak and their friends turned their backs on them.
It was at this time, their backs pressed against the wall, that they were introduced to the business. Despite not having anything, they were eager to start building their own business.
“As the saying goes, ‘the empty pocket is not a problem but an empty head is the problem’. We constantly reminded ourselves that, our dreams must be big enough, so that the challenges we face become insignificant in comparison,” says Tamilselvi.
“We attended as many meetings and functions as possible, read up on company literature, listened to motivational speeches, associated with successful leaders and always kept a positive attitude. Most importantly, we use this business as an opportunity to provide leadership and help as many people as we can.”
Today, their daughters and sons-in-law are all in the business and successful in their own right. More than success, financial security and opportunities to travel all over the world, the business has brought them immeasurable happiness and brought their family together.
“Remember,” says Tamilselvi, “tough times never last, but tough people do”.