Founders Diamond
When they first met their sponsor, Bon Yen was tied up in his housing development business and Siw Kiang was a full-time homemaker. They led busy lives but did not have any goal or direction.
The first OPP meeting opened their eyes. They saw ordinary people, no different from them, who had succeeded in the business. “Their lifestyle, amazing freedom, good health and seeing them around genuine friends who cared for them – well, we wanted all that too. We wanted to live, not just exist,” says Bon Yen. They signed up without hesitation.
“We believed in the AMWAY Business Opportunity. We also believed in the quality products. When we shared them with our friends and customers, we were able to achieve our goal of helping people live better lives,” says Bon Yen.
It required hard work but the couple was determined and willing to learn. “The support of our organisation, the cooperation and support of our ABOs allowed us to learn to be positive, to develop our strengths and leadership qualities,” he says.
Today, their children are following in their footsteps and building the business: eldest son and daughter-in-law Liew Rik Foong & Kong Mun Yee have qualified Diamond, second son and daughter-in-law Liew Rik Chuean & Mandy Ng Lai Heang are Emerald, while their sons-in-law and daughters Yu Jwu Gian & Liew Streisand and Hue Kok Hoong & Liew Tsuey Yann are progressing admirably in the business.
“We feel very happy and contented seeing the couples living meaningful lives in unison. My sister, sister-in-law and their family members are also in the business. We are truly a big AMWAY family!”